Customize Your Own Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater
The Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater is a compact, high-precision lab coater that transforms the way thin functional films are processed. It offers modular customization to fit different needs, scalable efficiency for small-scale production, and a user-friendly design with easy-to-remove components.
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Download Brochure
Explore the capabilities of the Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater by downloading our detailed brochure. This document provides an in-depth overview of the coater’s customizable features, technical specifications, and broad range of applications. Discover how our advanced technology can enhance your research and production processes.
Video: What is the Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater?
The Laboratory Roll-to-Roll Coater is a compact, high-precision lab coater that transforms the way thin functional films are processed. It offers modular customization to fit different needs, scalable efficiency for small-scale production, and a user-friendly design with easy-to-remove components. Ideal for applications like batteries, fuel cells, and solar cells, it allows you to customize a system that’s perfect for your needs.
Probably the World’s Most Compact R2R Slot-die Coater
The LR2RC500 Bundle is a compact, fully integrated roll-to-roll coating platform for laboratories, complete with an advanced mounting system, anodized rollers, a jumbo syringe pump, a 65 mm stainless slot-die head and an infrared oven system—delivering unmatched precision and scalability.